There are new affixes and adjusted affixes available for testing.The Vortex Pinnacle is available with this week’s Mythic+ test.Fixed an issue that gave players inconsistent item levels in Freehold, The Underrot, and Neltharion’s Lair.Fixed the damage tuning on items found during the encounter.Dragonflight Season 2 Mythic+ testing begins on Thursday, March 16.Seasonal affixes are in development and will be available for testing in a future PTR build.The Vortex Pinnacle will be available for testing in a future PTR build.Four dungeons from past expansions will provide new challenges to keep the Mythic+ rotation fresh:.The remaining Dragonflight dungeons will enter the fray:.Please share bugs you find via the in-game bug reporting tool and your feedback about the bonuses in the feedback thread. Class armor set details can be found in the feedback thread.Visit Setzertauren in Stormwind and Orgrimmar to pick up the sets. Death Knight, Havoc Demon Hunter, Druid, Mage, Brewmaster Monk, Holy Paladin, and Protection Paladin class armor sets are available for testing.View the PTR raid testing schedule for more details. Raid testing begins this Thursday, March 16.Now the champions of Azeroth must venture into darkness and ensure the crucible’s dangerous power doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.Īberrus, the Shadowed Crucible features nine boss encounters: Kazzara, the Hellforged, The Amalgamation Chamber, The Forgotten Experiments, Assault of the Zaqali, Rashok, the Elder, The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn, Magmorax, Echo of Neltharion, and Scalecommander Sarkareth. Forces seeking to claim the Earth-Warder’s legacy raid his dominion in search for powerful artifacts. After his death, these sites were lost to time, until now. Millennia ago, Neltharion carved deep places in the earth where he conducted world altering experiments. Disrupt their efforts to lure Fyrakk and his disciples out. Fyrakk’s forces are gathering resources at Suffusion Camps located in the Azure Span and Ohn’ahran Plains.Please use this feedback thread for testing.World Bosses, Vakan and Gholna are now available for testing.The Embers of Neltharion campaign is now available for testing.Players may access the zone by flying through the tunnel, leading to the new zone, Zaralek Cavern. The new underground zone is located on the eastern side of the Ohn’ahran Plains, just outside of Valdrakken.

Dragonflight Embers of Neltharion Update Development Notes

This Public Test Realm (PTR) is a testing environment for the content coming with the Dragonflight Embers of Neltharion update. World of Warcraft Version 10.1 PTR – Embers of Neltharion